Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Pet PEEve

This one involves men and women and toilet seats and pee. And it's not what you think it is.

Ladies, listen up. If you complain because he leaves the toilet seat UP, he has every right to complain when you leave it DOWN.

I'm all about equal opportunity peeing.

Mom, if you're reading this, insert the word "tinkle" everywhere I've used the word "pee".


  1. Yes..but....men don't FALL IN when we leave the seat down!

  2. If you are falling in then you have bigger issues that need to be looked into.

    My personal preference (in public restrooms) is leave it how you found it. If its down when I get there then its staying down because I'm not touching it.

    At home, however, I keep it down(and clean)in case company stops by.
