Friday, March 12, 2010


In complete and total disregard of my previous post about jumping on the fitness bandwagon, it's time for my absolute favorite season of the year: SNOBALL SEASON.

If you know me (or don't, but for some reason still care), I started documenting my snoball encounters last year on my facebook page. Starting this year, I'll give each experience a little review here @ stewzie...that is of course until the Times-Picayune hires me as a professional Snoball Critic.

#1 - The inaugural snoball of 2010. Passion Fruit from Beaucoup. This place, located on Freret Street in New Orleans, is unique (snobally speaking). All of their snoballs are made from FRESH JUICE that comes from LOCAL produce. Yes, I just said that. No sickly sweet concoctions here.

It's a little know fact that I CANNOT bring myself to eat anything more than a kiddie-sized snoball. Sure, that probably lessens my snoball cred, but most syrups (even the ones I love) are just too much sugar for me to handle. That's the perk of Beaucoup. Think fresh-squeezed lemonade vs. Koolaid. No comparison. The Passion Fruit tasted like Passion Fruit. Not Bubbalicious Passion Fruit-Flavored Bubble Gum. Very refreshing.

Sidenote: That ridiculously cute pregnant chic standing next to me is my dear friend Lisa Ruffin (Hi Lisa!) She had the Watermelon (yum). Baby Ruffin enjoyed it as well.

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