Monday, January 25, 2010

We ain't Ain'ts no more


Unbelievable. It's a feeling I can hardly describe with words. I will try, however, because otherwise I'm just writing this blog for the perks - which include my Mom telling me how she loved my latest post about tinkle.

Warning: Here is the part where I get all sentimental and cliche'-y.

The Saints are so much more than a football team. They represent our city, our people, our stuggles and our hope. New Orleans has long been underrated, overlooked, beaten up, forgotten, laughed at and shunned. Our accomplishments and bright spots have been recognized only sporadically and spoken of as if they were flukes. Remarkable how the same can be said of the Saints. The parallel is striking.

The Saints have done much more than win the NFC Championship and secure a spot in the 44th Superbowl. They have given our city a voice that is loud and clear. And the world is finally taking serious notice. We are more than just a hard luck city, and team, who can't seem to catch a break. We have talent and spirit and loyalty and personality. We are New Orleans and we are The Who Dat Nation. Take us or leave us. But leaving us is probably a poor choice. We want you to stay and be inspired by everything we love. And we'll totally show you a good time. Promise.

We know a thing or two about hard work and keeping the faith. It's what makes us us. We have shoveled our way up out of a whole lot of mud, and we want everyone to have the same feeling we do now that it's starting to pay off. I gotta say, the win for the Saints feels great, but the win for our city feels phenominal.

Bless you Boys and Bless you NOLA. You've made us all proud.

In that number,

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully stated Suzie....I'm a New Orleanian whereever I this thing!
