Back in my day (which was a Wednesday, if I had to guess), I was a pretty active little Suzie. I've played nearly every sport the USA has to offer (minus, of course, those silly Canadian "sports" like hockey and ice dancing - eh?)
It all started with softball (fast pitch, not that wussy-slow-pitch stuff) at the age of 5, then progressed to softball, volleyball, soccer (as goalie for the boys' team), soccer (on the girls' team), basketball, shot put, javelin, high jump and a partridge in a pear tree. And that was BEFORE 7 a.m.
Seriously, at one point in my high school athletic career, I would get to school 2 hours early to practice javelin throwing, go to school all day, go straight from school to softball practice, then straight from softball practice to high jump practice followed by a 2-hour nightcap of club volleyball practice. Suffice to say that I was no couch potato. Unless couch potatoing involved jumping backwards over the couch while successfully juggling a 5 pound bag of potatoes and singing the school's fight song.
All of that background data to lead to the point of this post: In the 12 years since high school, I have gradually morphed from SuperAthlete to Laaaaaaaazy.
When I first started college at LSU, I lived in the dorm furthest from civilization, thus requiring me to walk an average of 17 miles a day just to get back and forth to class. Plus, back then I was still IN MY TEENS, so time was on my side. When others gained the "freshman fifteen", I lost the "walk 17 miles a day twenty-five."
After my 2-year stint in Baton Rouge, I held a few jobs that required tons of action. From hauling 50 lb. mufflers around a 1 acre warehouse, to cleaning what seemed like 652,999 tanning beds a day, my activity level was still pretty high.
About 5 years ago, I returned to school. Although my new campuses at Delgado and UNO were not nearly as expansive as the oneat my previous college, I still spent my days hauling around a 30 lb. backpack up and down stairs, back and forth to my car, to and from work, etc. Plus I played volleyball at Coconut Beach 1 or 2 days a week. And I was in my TWENTIES, so time was still reluctantly on my side.
After graduating with my bachelor's degree in (who cares, I'm not doing anything with it anyway) in December 2008, I made a concious decision to do NOTHING. I didn't plan on being permanently sedentary, but if I wanted to come home from my job (where I sit all day) and transfer to my comfy velveteen sofa (and sit some more), then you better believe that's what I was gonna do. And I did. Often.
That was over a year ago. Now I'm pushing THIRTY. Time is not on my side. In fact, time likes to laugh at the way I look in tight jeans. Time stole my high metabolism and pawned it for fifty bucks. Time is a big meanie.
So I had a brilliant idea. Sign up for a 4 week fitness boot camp. HAHA! Time will surely laugh at that too. I start on Monday. Upcoming progress updates should be a hoot.
Optimism says I'll feel great and be full of energy and my blog posts will be full of ponies, skittles and sunshine.
Realism says I hope my fingers won't be too sore to type.